Use logic to figure out how much each shape must weigh for the mobile to balance! These mobiles will appeal to puzzlers ages 6 to adult. Added bonus: Solving these puzzles is a fun way to learn to solve equations in a visual and interactive way!
Special features:
• 200 built-in puzzles
• 3 levels: Explorer, Puzzler, and Master
• Earn achievement badges for exploring features like making equations
• Create your own mobile puzzles and share them with friends or the SolveMe Community
• Challenge your friends, solve your friends puzzles, and "like" your favorite puzzles
These puzzles were inspired by the research and development of both Think Math!, a comprehensive K-5 curriculum, and Transition to Algebra, a full-year algebra curriculum. Both use puzzles and mental models to help students build computational skill, reason logically, and develop the habits of mind that underlie the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice.
Well-crafted mathematical puzzles are worthy of classroom time because they:
• are genuine problems
• support number sense
• encourage logical reasoning
• help students develop strategy in problem solving
• are fun and engaging
• encourage perseverance